WATCH: Suiting Up to Show Cattle Industry Pollution — In a HazMat Suit!
What action gets the California Coastal Commission to realize that private beef and dairy ranchers are still grossly polluting the streams (and bays and Pacific Ocean) at Point Reyes National Seashore?
Wear a suit… a HazMat suit!
In Defense of Animals, along with other activists, recently spoke out at the November California Coastal Commission (CCC) meeting as no one has before -in a bright yellow HazMat suit, dramatizing the problem of cattle industry water pollution.
Shockingly, in a good way, it worked! Activism works! The CCC did not approve its previous “Conditional Concurrence” for new 20-year ranch leases at Point Reyes National Seashore.
We showed up, spoke out, acted up and, as a result, ranchers will not be given a free pass to keep polluting the public’s Point Reyes park. The ranchers are now being forced back to the drawing board, to figure out what they must do to clean up their poopy industry act. The great thing about this is that it simply isn’t possible — because it’s the nature of the beast; it’s a dirty industry with no business being in this, or any, national park. Continued daylighting by activists makes their manurey mess too obvious to ignore. Stay tuned for our update on where things stand.
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