Approximately 100 Dolphins Stolen From Ocean for Captivity
Approximately 100 Dolphins Stolen From Ocean for Captivity
The bloodless days in Taiji, Japan can be just as heartbreaking as those that see the slaughter of dolphins for consumption. Just a few days ago, a pod of an estimated 250 bottlenose dolphins were driven into the cove and were kept for 99 hours, according to Dolphin Project. Over the course of five days, dolphins were examined roughly, mothers were separated from their young and "show quality" individuals were selected and captured for sale to aquariums in Japan and internationally. In total, an estimated 100 individuals were taking into permanent captivity.
The huge pod was kept without food, separated from one another and were slapped, thrown around and treated with no respect or kindness. Four dolphins were seen to have succumbed to the stress and died, with their bodies reportedly sent off to the butchers.
The Taiji dolphin hunters had a very successful five days. With wild-caught dolphins fetching prices of around $150,000, they can expect to sell these souls for a whopping fifteen million dollars.
What remains of the traumatized pod was driven back out to sea on Tuesday, their numbers greatly diminished and family and friendships broken apart permanently. It is not known how this pod will fare. We can only hope that their horrible time in the cove quickly becomes a distant memory. Sadly, for the 100+ dolphins taken into captivity, their nightmare is only beginning.