Protect All You Care About With FreeWill's Free, Online Estate Planning Tool

Protect All You Care About With FreeWill's Free, Online Estate Planning Tool

As we embark on a new year, we hope that you are feeling energized and ready to make a difference for the animals we all love and defend. The start of a new year is a perfect time to set our intentions and make plans for the future, and there is no better way to do that than by protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and the causes that matter most to us.

Our partnership with FreeWill – a free, online estate planning tool can help you set your intentions for 2023 and beyond. With this secure resource, you can make your will in just 20 minutes, plan for your assets and loved ones, and even set up a care trust for your animals (if you are a California resident). By taking these simple steps, you can have peace of mind for the year ahead and provide sustained support for your loved ones, including your animals, through the important act of estate planning.

At In Defense of Animals, we are deeply grateful for your support and your dedication to defending all animals – from the smallest insect to the biggest elephant and the habitats that they depend upon. Your sustained advocacy and planning have made a huge difference in the lives of countless animals, and we are honored to have you as a part of our community.

Now, we invite you to join us in defending animals for the next 100 years by making a gift to In Defense of Animals in your will. This is a simple and powerful way to show your love and care for all that you hold dear, and it can have a lasting impact on vulnerable, defenseless animals everywhere.

As a reminder, our partnership with FreeWill allows you to make a will at no personal cost, and the process is self-guided and easy to complete. There is no obligation to leave any charity in your will if you wish not to and it can be changed at any time should your situation change. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and make your estate plan today.

Thank you for all that you do to defend animals and make the world a better place. We look forward to standing with you in this important work for many years to come.