WATCH: How To Aid Animal Victims of War in Israel & Gaza

WATCH: How To Aid Animal Victims of War in Israel & Gaza

Amid conflict, where headlines often focus on human strife, a silent and often overlooked group also faces dire consequences — innocent animals in Israel and Gaza. Here’s how you can help them.

The escalating situation in Israel and Gaza has left many animals vulnerable, and the aid provided by In Defense of Animals through its partners is a beacon of hope in these tumultuous times. The need for compassionate aid for all affected animals is urgent. In Defense of Animals has not only formed pivotal partnerships with Freedom for Animals in Israel and Sulala Society for Animal Care in Gaza but has also pledged an initial $10,000 towards animal relief efforts.

Freedom for Animals Israel

Freedom for Animals Israel activists duck for cover during a rescue mission. “We believe that all lives are important to save.”

Freedom for Animals in Israel is working tirelessly, quite literally on the front lines to save animal victims in war zones. Founder Yael Gabay tells us it’s “pretty scary, no sirens in the open fields so things happen very quickly… can be quite intense and stressful. But we believe that all lives are important to save.”

They are currently in the process of rescuing farmed animals discovered roaming the streets of Israel. These animal survivors are in dire need of help. In just one week, Freedom for Animals has made significant strides, successfully saving almost 200 turkeys and 100 chickens.

Numerous community cats and other domestic animals have been left behind by civilians forced to evacuate. Freedom for Animals has stepped in to fill this heart-wrenching void, offering essential food, water, and care for these animals.

Sulala Society for Animal Care, Gaza

Sulala Society for Animal Care is the only registered animal rescue in the Gaza Strip. The organization is a lifeline for hundreds of street animals left victim to the ravages of conflict. Currently, Sulala Society shelters and fosters over 120 cats and 400 dogs, including 20 who are disabled. Sulala Founder Mr. Saeed is providing them all with the safety and sustenance they desperately need, at great personal risk.

Witness one dog’s amazing transformation.

Starving horses and donkeys have also come with their displaced guardians. Sulala Society for Animal Care is providing for their needs too, against a background of constant bombing.

Animal rescue is always challenging, but since the start of the current war, it’s nearly impossible. In the midst of this crisis, everything is in short supply. Funds are urgently needed to purchase from the extremely limited supplies of fuel, water, and animal food. 

Many areas are under heavy bombardment, which hampers efforts to rescue wounded animals in the area. Animals are looking for food, water, and above all, safety.

These organizations are doing more than just filling bellies and healing wounds; they are affirming the value of life amidst chaos. Their efforts stretch beyond the immediate needs, aiming to enact a lasting change for animals within the region.

Our partnership with these frontline organizations underscores a fundamental message: compassion knows no borders. It is about providing hope and tangible help to as many animals as possible who have been harmed by the crisis. This collaboration is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together, united by the common goal of alleviating suffering and honoring the bond we share with all living beings.

In this critical time, your support can amplify our efforts to provide comfort and care to the innocent animal victims of this conflict. It is a chance to extend kindness across boundaries and to be an agent of peace and humanity in a world that desperately needs it.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Your contribution can bring relief to these animals and support the exemplary people who have dedicated their lives to protecting them. Every act of generosity is a step towards a more compassionate world.

In times of such crisis, let’s not forget those who have no voice. Together, we can bring light into the darkest of places.

Here are three ways you can help animals in Israel and Gaza:

  1. Join the Meditation Gathering for World Peace on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 9 a.m. PT (6 p.m. CET) with In Defense of Animals and Our Planet. Theirs Too. Register to receive the Zoom link:

  2. Sign our alert to get vital animal supplies on trucks (coming soon - sign up to get email)

  3. Donate vital aid to animal rescuers on the ground:

Thank you for being part of our journey of compassion and aid for the animals of Israel and Gaza, towards peace for all beings.