WATCH: Mama Dog & Her Puppies Abandoned Outside Ahead of Severe Weather

WATCH: Mama Dog & Her Puppies Abandoned Outside Ahead of Severe Weather

A caller to our Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi alerted us to a mother dog and her five puppies living alone outside and in extreme danger due to severe weather predicted after their guardian was incarcerated.

Although the temperature is normally not too extreme in the Deep South, at this time the weather conditions were reportedly about to change rapidly. Weather outlets were predicting arctic temperatures along with snow and ice. Our area was under a Winter Storm Warning, an indication that severe weather was very likely.

The puppies were only about four weeks old and still being fed their mother's milk.  Without proper food, a mother is not able to produce enough milk to feed babies. Cold weather means that all animals need more food to help their bodies produce enough heat. 

The animal caregivers from our Hope Animal Sanctuary sprang into action, knowing that time was of the essence. The mom was so glad to see them and gladly followed them while they gathered and loaded the babies in their warm vehicle. She readily got in the truck and sat quietly on the ride back to the sanctuary.

Back at the sanctuary, the little family was given their own climate-controlled house. Now they were warm and toasty while snuggled deep into a soft bed and the mama dog would not have to worry about being hungry and cold and stressed about caring for her babies.

There are so many abandoned or stray animals in the Deep South who need our help. Please, help us help them. 

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