These Puppies Were in Serious Trouble, But We Got to Them Just in Time!

These Puppies Were in Serious Trouble, But We Got to Them Just in Time!

When our staff at Hope Animal Sanctuary got the call about two tiny puppies living in a culvert, we were prepared to act, but we weren’t prepared for what we found. These two little puppies were in serious trouble, but we got to them just in time and now they’re getting the care they need.

Puppies who have taken shelter in culverts can be a challenge to rescue. Many times, they stay near the center of the culvert, not knowing we are trying to help them. Knowing this, we went prepared for a long day of trying to lure them out with food. Luckily, when we drove up and called, the puppies came running out, happy to finally be safe.

Our experienced staff has seen almost everything you can think of but they were shocked when we got back to the sanctuary and began to give the puppies a bath. What appeared to be a black mask around their eyes we thought was dirt, was actually thousands of fleas! The bath water turned red from the blood the fleas had been sucking from their little bodies and fleas began running all over them.


It took three baths and flea prevention medication to remove the fleas, but we finally were successful.  It’s a good thing we found them when we did, because puppies with a heavy load of fleas may become anemic from blood loss. Fortunately, we were able to immediately start them on a liquid vitamin supplement which contains iron. We also gave them worm medication and the required vaccinations.

These 5-week-old puppies were lucky someone saw them and cared enough to call for help. They were also lucky that Hope Animal Sanctuary is here to help animals that otherwise would have died in a situation just like this one without help.

Without your generous donations, it would not be possible for In Defense of Animals to save these puppies and many more just like them. Please make a donation and help save more unwanted animals like these, who wouldn’t survive without our help.

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