Tell USDA: Act Now to Protect Elephant Nosey and the Public

Tell USDA: Act Now to Protect Elephant Nosey and the Public

Please Send a Message to the USDA Today

Help NoseyWe’ve told you about the elephant Nosey and the exhibitor Hugo Liebel for years. Facing 33 violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), Liebel settled with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this spring and agreed to pay a meager $7,500 fine and to refrain from violating the AWA. Liebel got away with a slap on the wrist, and he has resumed dragging Nosey around to festivals this summer, using her to give rides to the public. Despite the order to cease and desist from violating the AWA, IDA has documented a string of incidents in which Liebel continues to flagrantly violate federal law by repeatedly putting Nosey and the public at risk—the same violations that led to some of those 33 charges.

If this reckless handling continues, Nosey, or an innocent member of the public, could be seriously injured—or worse. IDA is urging the USDA to take immediate enforcement action against Liebel. Click here to help Nosey by sending your own message to the USDA.

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