Time is Running Out for the Dog Meat Trade!

Time is Running Out for the Dog Meat Trade!

In Defense of Animals is going the distance in our fight against the dog meat trade. The best part? We. Are. Winning! Watch this video to find out how your support for our Ditch Dog Meat campaign has allowed us to make real strides against this outdated and barbaric tradition.

Our latest inspirational video lets you see firsthand how In Defense of Animals is achieving tremendous success changing the hearts and minds of people all over the world. Your support today will mean that our diligent and worthwhile efforts will continue well into the future; your generosity today will mean lives saved tomorrow.

Please take pride in sharing our most recent Asian dog rescue success story with your friends and family. Judy’s journey from farm to family is just one touching rescue drama among many. And to think; this poor soul would have ended up on someone’s dinner plate without your help and intervention.

Sadly, Judy is just one lucky individual among thousands of others much less fortunate than her. Countless dogs and cats are still suffering in meat farms across all of Asia. You can help out a very special case today by reading and sharing Shiba & Eva’s story.
We were so moved and inspired by these two gentle giants that we have set up a special GoFundMe page just to raise the funds necessary fly them to the United States.

Shiba & Eva are so close to finding their forever homes; we just need your help today to get them stateside. Please do not allow them to be left behind simply because they were too large. The days of the dog meat farm may be numbered, but you can be sure that it will not go down without a fight.

Please donate what you can to save dogs from the dog meat trade.

Please Donate Today!