California Residents: Urge Governor Newsom to Ban All Fur Trapping!
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Read victory blog.
Fur trapping in California is just one step away from being banned! California’s bill to prohibit all fur trapping in the state has passed the Assembly and the Senate, and now awaits the Governor’s signature to become law! If signed, AB 273 will save fur-bearing animals from being maimed and killed by horrific trap-and-kill methods to steal their fur.
Coyotes, mink, foxes, beavers, raccoons, badgers, and various other species are trapped and have their skins stolen to produce trivial “fashion” statements. Despite a recent leg hold ban, fur trappers in California now use box traps, cages, and nets to capture unsuspecting animals. To avoid damaging their pelts, mobile gas chambers are often used to suffocate their victims or other brutal methods such as manual strangulation and anal electrocution to kill the animals they have trapped. Please urge Governor Newsom to ban all fur trapping in the state!
Assembly Bill 273 was introduced by California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez to prohibit the issuance of commercial fur trapping licenses in the state, therefore saving animals from terrifying and agonizing deaths. Banning fur trapping will not only benefit animals, it will also help the economy. California law dictates that the state’s commercial trapping program must cover its own costs, however, the cost of the program far exceeds what was collected through issuing licenses. The financial losses of the trapping program indicate a blatant violation of the law, and taxpayers are being forced to pay for it.
What YOU Can Do:
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Read victory blog.