WATCH: Wild Horses Terrified During Roundup

WATCH: Wild Horses Terrified During Roundup

Wild horses are highly intelligent, emotional, and sensitive beings who value their families and freedom above everything else. Tragically, they continue to be rounded up by the government, which doesn’t want the public to see the horrors it's inflicting upon them.

The Bureau of Land Management operates horrifically brutal wild horse roundups and tries to hide its abuses by putting public observers at least a mile away from the trap sites, with no views of the actual miles-long, often hour-long, helicopter chases.

These wild horses in West Douglas, Colorado were rounded up in August of 2021 and will never experience the freedom they hold so dear again, while many others have and will face the same traumatic fate. 

Learn more and take action to stop these roundups at our Wild Horses campaign. Please consider making a donation to support our work on this issue.