Three Abandoned Kittens Highlight the Need for Sterilization in Mississippi

Three Abandoned Kittens Highlight the Need for Sterilization in Mississippi

Marsha, Millie, and Mitch were among the countless unwanted kittens in the Deep South, but our Hope Animal Sanctuary will ensure they get loving homes and is working to address this issue through a low-cost spay and neuter program. Marsha, Millie, and Mitch are just a small example of the many kittens Hope Animal Sanctuary accepts and ensures they have wonderful lives. These three little ones will never be afraid or hungry again.

These beautiful tortoiseshell kittens were abandoned as so many are. And yet, these are the lucky ones.


Most are deserted in rural areas and left to fend for themselves with no help. Their days are filled with hunger, thirst, and fear. If they are lucky enough to find a house where people live, they are most often not welcomed. They are chased away because people do not want to be bothered. They learn to fear people and what little chance of help they have is lost.


We know spay and neuter is the answer to the animal companion overpopulation issue. Last year we launched a spay and neuter program managed by Hope Animal Sanctuary, which offers these surgeries to low-income residents in three counties.


Your donation to In Defense of Animals supporting this program could help reduce the overpopulation of cats and dogs and prevent the suffering of many who would otherwise be born unwanted. 

If you know anyone in Montgomery, Carroll, or Holmes County who needs help, please send them our form for assistance.

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