WATCH: Feeding Hundreds of Animals Daily in India is No Small Task

WATCH: Feeding Hundreds of Animals Daily in India is No Small Task

With about 400 dogs and 200 cats at our partner IDA India’s Deonar Center in Mumbai, India, a lot goes into feeding everybody twice a day.

Not only does preparing food take quite a bit of effort, so does serving everybody in the mornings and evenings. It takes multiple staff members to push carts of food, put bowls out for everyone, and serve the food. It also takes a few people to stand guard and ensure shy, senior, and special needs animals each get their fair share and there aren’t any fights.


After our resident dogs and cats are fed, our caretakers go through each special ward, including the blind, isolation, admission and animal birth control wards, and ensure those who have other needs, such as seniors and nursing mothers, get special meals to meet their nutritional needs.

This daily task requires a lot of work, but we’re blessed to have wonderful staff members and supporters who make this all possible. We’re also grateful to community members who donate to support providing meals for animals who touch their hearts most — some may want to feed cats and for others, it’s the blind dogs — both regularly, and to celebrate special occasions, such as anniversaries.

Our Deonar Center provides a lifeline for hundreds of animals every month who receive life-saving care, vaccinations, and are spayed or neutered.

You can help support our critical work in India by making a donation.

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