Dog Rescued From Meat Truck is Experiencing Home Life After Years of Waiting
We rescued Lance straight off a truck headed to slaughter in 2019, and he’s been waiting patiently this whole time to be adopted. We’ve been desperately hoping someone would choose him, and are thrilled a family has stepped up to foster him. At the end of December, he was on a flight to meet them and started the new year finally knowing what it feels like to be in a home.
Lance was among 28 dogs we rescued off the Buyeo Meat Truck with our partner Jindo Love Rescue, and he’s been in our care this whole time. Unfortunately, the chaos of our foster center in South Korea was getting to be way too much for him, and he was often hiding to avoid the crowd. We sent out a plea asking for someone to take him so he could experience a peaceful home setting.
Despite his traumatic past, he’s one of the most gentle dogs we’ve known. With a little patience, his personality shines. This big fluffy teddy bear of a dog loves taking walks and enjoying nature and loves snacks, head massages, and story time.
Now, he’s getting a real chance to shine with just the right people. At the end of December, he hopped a flight to Seattle, before heading to Canada with his new foster family.
We’re thrilled to hear he’s thriving there, and couldn’t be happier he’s being spoiled rotten and learning what it feels like to have a home of his own.
His foster mom Abby said he came in a little shy, but still curious, and as he’s gotten more comfortable he’s shown his lovable, goofy side. He hops in excitement when it’s dinner time, and gives his people little kisses on the cheek when they pet him. He’s had the chance to meet many other people and dogs and is getting help learning the ropes and gaining confidence from his new dog sibling Welly. Whenever he’s beside Welly, he likes to give him one little lick on the nose.
Despite his past, he’s settling in faster than expected and his people, who he’s now showing excitement to see when they get home, are working to give him every experience he deserves. We couldn’t be happier for him and are so grateful to all of our supporters who make outcomes like this possible.
If you’re interested in adopting a dog from South Korea, you can learn more about adopting and send Jindo Love Rescue a message on Facebook to start the application process.
Even if you can’t adopt, you can still help by spreading the stories about our dogs and supporting our ongoing rescue efforts in South Korea by making a donation and spreading the word about our ongoing need for flight volunteers to courier dogs to new homes.