UPDATE: Animals You’re Saving in Gaza & Israel
Your support has provided a vital lifeline to scared and hungry animal victims of war in Israel and Gaza this year. Let your heart soar with these uplifting animal rescue stories from our brave partners in the field, and discover how you can keep bringing safety, food, and shelter to animals in their hour of need.
In November, we told you how we’d partnered with Sulala Society for Animal Care in the Gaza Strip. Your gifts have provided a lifeline for over 1,000 animals suffering in the conflict through evacuations, homelessness, bombing, and lack of food and water.
At the start of the war, the Sulala team evacuated 120 cats and 20 disabled animals from the north of Gaza to the south. The sanctuary doors in the north were left open to allow 400 dogs a chance to escape. Incredibly, one month later, one dog made her way through the warzone to find Sulala founder Saeed Al Err. Her new name is Miracle.
Cats and dogs might be among the first animals we think of in war, but horses and donkeys have been suffering immensely. Since fuel ran out, equines are now the only means of transport. Their workload has become much heavier while their food and care have dropped. Despite insanely high prices, Sulala bought the freedom for this tiny donkey who was exhausted, sick, and wounded.
Forced to work night and day, the donkey had large open sores, mange all over, and a problem with one of his legs. Sulala trashed the whip used to thrash him and worked to remove and destroy the harness that trapped him. Sulala set about dismantling the wagon as soon as the donkey was led away so that it could no longer be used to harm another animal.
This donkey will have a better life now. He will never carry anyone ever again. It is a joy to see him grazing on the grass as a free donkey. It hurts terribly to think he is only one of thousands of suffering donkeys, but his world has changed for the better thanks to our partners and kind In Defense of Animals supporters like you.
Many other animals have been aided by Sulala because of your generosity. These dogs were left chained without water or food for 45 days. Their guardian was stuck in his house in the north of Gaza while it was too dangerous to go out.
On the first day of the November ceasefire, it was finally possible to reach these three painfully thin dogs and evacuate them. Sulala provided them with food and ordered them to be unchained.
Sulala has taken in animals from displaced families and provided sustenance and safety for over 1,000 animals. One little boy in search of food for his neighborhood cats journeyed across the bombing zone with torn sandals to find the evacuated Sulala team. He had been feeding them daily, and one just had kittens.
Sadly, Sulala was forced to stop giving out food in mid-December due to dwindling food supplies. Their own animal food stock is now completely empty as of December 25.
The situation is critical. No animal food or medical supplies have entered Gaza since October 8. Urgent action is needed to pressure humanitarian organizations and government officials into allowing animal food and medical aid into Gaza. Over 13,000 In Defense of Animals supporters have sent our alert so far, and if you have not already done so, we encourage you to act now.
Freedom for Animals has been equally dedicated to saving lives in very dangerous conditions and pushing to get food and rescue for animals in both territories.
We have been incredibly grateful for their instrumental work in inviting Israeli animal organizations and sanctuaries to sign our open letter. It calls on politicians and the war cabinet to urgently send animal food shipments into Gaza and allow activists to rescue animals caught in the warzone in Gaza and Israel.
Like Sulala Society for Animal Care, the Freedom for Animals team has been risking everything amid missile and drone strikes to save animals and get food and rescue for those in greatest need.
Financial gifts from In Defense of Animals supporters have aided with the purchase and distribution of 2,600 pounds of food for hungry community cats and homeless dogs. Many are roaming around abandoned areas hungry and disoriented and require ongoing food drops.
Over 300 birds have been saved from the frontlines by our Israeli partners since the start of the war, including 203 turkeys and 124 chickens. We are very grateful to them and the sanctuaries throughout Israel that have taken them in, including Shanti Farm Sanctuary, Born For Life, and Natural Bonds.
Several adorable cats roaming the war fronts have been trapped and placed in foster care. Freedom for Animals is committed to continuing to feed community cats even as the war intensifies on the northern front.
Despite its nonstop rescue efforts, Freedom for Animals has kept progressing with its core campaign to end live animal imports, including documenting a horrendous transport truck accident that happened recently and progressing a vital bill to ban live animal imports. They are complimenting this through practical action, distributing vegan meals to Israeli refugees and armed forces.
Though some animals have been strapped with explosives, Israeli soldiers have been taking risks and defying rules to rescue animals on the battlefront. Freedom for Animals is supporting these soldiers and trying to convince others to bring roaming animals to safety.
Sadly, some animals found by soldiers cannot be recovered without governmental coordination, such as horses, donkeys and cows.
Despite the difficulties, one Israeli soldier managed to rescue a whole flock of ducks! They are now flourishing in their new home, where they will never be plucked for feathers or eaten as food.
Our rescue partners are enduring immense hardships and risking their lives for animals. Yet both remain committed to doing even more. In Defense of Animals is supporting both our partners in Gaza and Israel who are seeking permits to rescue animals from the warzone, including animals stuck in houses left behind when their guardians fled. We have reached out to Israeli politicians and are committed to keeping the pressure on to ensure the needs of animal victims of war are represented and heard.
Aiding animals is an apolitical issue. Thanks to you, we are helping animals on both sides of the border.
The Israel-Hamas war is expected to last months more. Please be a light for the animals by donating to animal victims of the war by supporting our brave animal rescue partners in Israel and Gaza: www.idausa.org/war.