Hope Animal Sanctuary Says Goodbye to Petunia the Potbellied Pig
It was with heavy hearts this fall that we said goodbye to Petunia, one of two potbellied pigs living at our Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi.
Petunia came to our Hope Animal Sanctuary many years ago with her mother and her brother, Popcorn. Since her mother passed, she and Popcorn would spend their days enjoying the shade and in their wallow filled with water on hot days.
Petunia (left) and Popcorn (right) enjoying their time together.
They were sadly part of the potbellied pig craze and were purchased by people who didn’t thoroughly research what caring for them would entail, or how big they would get.
Unfortunately, many profiting off of potbellied pigs who want to make as many sales as possible claim they will remain small and don’t provide accurate information on what kind of diet and enrichment they need, and many pigs quickly find themselves in need of a new home through no fault of their own.
While this family of potbellied pigs had many good years at our sanctuary, many others aren’t so lucky.
We’re grateful we could provide a safe and loving home for them, and that Petunia passed away peacefully in the night. Popcorn is now our only resident pig, and we’ll continue to ensure he has everything he needs in his senior years for as long as he is with us.
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