Creativity and Kindness Save Dogs During India’s Monsoons

Creativity and Kindness Save Dogs During India’s Monsoons

Monsoon season in India can be brutal for animals, but our partner IDA India and residents’ creativity and kindness are helping keep them safe.

In Mumbai, where IDA India’s Deonar Center is located, much of the year is spent helping animals cope with scorching heat but now heavy rains that come with monsoon season have waterlogged the city, disrupting everyday life for human residents and animals alike.

Thankfully, caring citizens don’t forget about how hard it is for vulnerable street dogs and have come up with some creative ways to help them shelter from the weather, from creating houses with plastic bottles and using barrels to putting tarps up.

At IDA India’s Deonar Center, staff also work tirelessly to make sure everyone’s warm and dry. The weather can make the tile floors cold, so washable rugs and blankets are put out, and dogs can take advantage of raised beds.

Dogs in our blind ward like to take advantage of this, and so do dogs in the puppy ward, which is also a popular spot for cats to sneak in for a snuggle.

In addition to providing care to hundreds of animals every day, our Deonar Center is the permanent home to 78 dogs, including 18 blind dogs, who have their own ward and garden.

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